Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia

Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia

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Our Vision: "Peace Begins with Me".

Our Mission Statement:

We hold that a lasting peace will not be found in the world, until it is developed in the hearts of humanity.

Our goal is to inspire the brothers and sisters of our human family with an achievable vision that is not bound by politics or religion or economics but an inevitable, triumphant victory of the heart.

We believe that our responsibility for peace begins within each of us. The peace we offer to ourselves, our families, our communities and finally to our world family is the harbinger of tomorrow's oneness-world of peace.

We believe there is a simple choice for each human being between war and peace, between laying blame and increasing anger and conflict, or opening our hearts and sharing peace and love within our global family.

We hold that violence and aggression will not create peace at home or in our schools or communities.

We envision an irresistible wave of peace, a critical mass that will not stop until the world is free.

We proclaim proudly "PEACE BEGINS WITH ME!"


Contact us

mailing address:

world peace society

731 Pacific Drive,

Deepwater, Qld, 4674



Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia


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