We'd love you to join our TOP TEN actions. They are all FREE, all they need is you! |
Pledge A Hug for Peace - We want to reach millions of people in the simplest heartfelt way that is possible, a hug! Let's make World Hug Day (January 21) an anniversary of peace. So pledge now to hug your mum, hug your dad, hug your teacher, your boss, even your dog!! | ||
Plea for non-violence
- As world leaders fill themselves and our earth with fear and hate,
there was never a better time to express your desire for peace and
oneness. Violence does not solve problems between individuals, how can it solve problems between nations? Please remind our leaders about the closeness of our human family, and that we believe a non-violent peace is the lasting answer. We will send your message to George W. Bush (USA), Gordon Brown (Britain), and Kevin Rudd (Australia). Your first name and message will also appear. |
Become a member of the World Peace Society of Australia
It's FREE and open to everyone and we'll keep you informed of what we're up to
and how we'd love you to get involved. You'll receive occasional emails
informing you about all of our very cool events and news of the world.
If you sign up 7 friends you will get a free "Peace begins with me"
You'll make a difference in the world, beginning with yourself and get
access to the
Peace Begins with Me
program and be able to post on the
Calendar. |
'Peace Begins With Me' - The "Peace Begins with Me" program is for each of us to take personal responsibility for peace. World Peace Society members are invited to, even in the smallest ways, share their inspirational efforts for peace. This program is what our group is all about! It is every action we can do to help make peace a reality and they start with me! | ||
Join the 'Places of Peace' - The 'Places of Peace' program demonstrates how a simple idea offers a unique opportunity to reach thousands with a vision of peace. The goal is to link businesses and places around the globe as places where peace is a priority. Simply download a free peace poster and display it in your 'place of peace' | ||
Peace Poetry - A great opportunity to share with the world your own heartfelt feelings in peace poetry - the language of the soul. If you haven't visited here yet - check it out - and submit your poem today! | ||
Peace Art - Now the creative juices are flowing send your art in. We'd love to hear from Art Galleries, school children - any one with some art for peace that we can put up on the web and inspire the world.. | ||
Calendar of events - check it out for actions that other people have thought of to help our planet - or add your own. | ||
Post a message on our peace forum - Network with other peace-loving people, promote your peace-group, share ideas... | ||
Free e-cards - Send to loved ones reflecting your hopes and dreams for a lasting world peace. | ||
more: | Visit these websites promoting peace - When you've finished exploring worldpeace.org.au please check these great sites that actively work for peace on the internet. |
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