Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia

Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia

I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. - Lao-tzu

Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia It really seems like the time has come for the quiet peacemakers in our midst to come to the fore. It has been easy up to now to make our worlds small and only surround ourselves with like-minded people who strive to evolve and live consciously.  But to continue to live on the fringes in this current world climate i believe is unloving. It's time for us to show the world how it's done, without judgement or condemnation but through loving example.

Abby Dobson - Leonardo's Bride

Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia

read his speech delivered at the 8th Esperanto (Hope) Conference

In times of turmoil, love is the only magic that heals. Hug is the only warm blanket that offers protection against insecurity, insanity, paranoia and unnecessary war that should not escalate into the third world war.

Hug for Peace is a great idea which reminds people of the world, of the intrinsic unity of mankind. It is a great experiment and the voice is sure to be heard by powers that be.

As more and more people join the Pledge-A-Hug, the Nobel prize or UN prize for Peace is not far off. But we are not working for prizes. Our biggest prize is : 'Peace to All'.


Dr. Leo Rebello
Presidential Candidate and Senator-Minister for India of the International Parliament for Safety and Peace

Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia

Dear all
Hugs are better than words but here are some words they cover: love, sharing, comfort, consolation, solidarity, forgiving, warmth, equality, peace. The world needs more hugs, big hugs, record hugs.
So go well

Senator Bob Brown - Leader Greens

Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia I love hugging as it makes me feel nice and happy, also feel snug, safe and sound with arms around people.  It is much better than fighting and so it is better to kiss than kill.  In the 60's they said "make love not war".  Let us do that.  Just keep it simple. 

David Helfgott 

Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia At this time in this worlds history it is a time for careful consideration, for thought, and for valuing all life equally and with profound respect, whether white, black, rich, poor, west, east, male or female, christian, moslem, buddhist, agnostic.... I fully support all expressions of peace. This is not a time for violent pay back.

David Bridie

Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia Your idea of bringing together the world's largest hug, is beyond amusing - it is a potent message for us all. Many of us find ourselves so busy talking about peace, that we forget sometimes to give a hug to those who care about us the most! I spend much of my time as a peace activist. You've helped me remember that we are talking not only talking about ideology, or platform, or an attitude we should have on this anniversary of September 11. You are inviting us all to hug one another in a time of war, to help us realize: We are talking about the people here.

Tod Zankert - Editor InterNation

 Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia

Congratulations on coordinating an attempt at the ‘World’s Biggest Hug’.  This hug for peace is timely in light of the uncertainty, domestically and internationally, and the need for tolerance and compassion.  I applaud your sentiment and wish you the very best.

Senator Natasha Stott Despoja - Democrats

Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia

A year on while the world stops to contemplate the impact of events last September it is heartening to see that the light of idealism has not faded. Not unlike the nuclear confrontation of the Cold War several decades ago it requires a strong belief in our ability to change the world for the better to stand in the path of a world gearing up for a war of revenge. The future relies on the souls who continue to state with clarity that there must, indeed there is, another way.

The initiative to organise such an event once again is part of a global vision for peace held close to the hearts of a significant minority tradition in all societies. Such movements have held back many a conflict in human history. We do not always succeed but it is imperative that we do not give up.

The World's Biggest Hug for Peace is a balm for the soul.

Keep Going

Ian Cohen MLC - Greens

Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia Ever tried to make the victory 'V' symbol with your fingers? How about the peace 'V' symbol? Ever wondered why they are the same? Maybe because peace is victory. Let our generation be the one to win the peace!

Robert Oakeshott MP, Independent, Member for Port Macquarie

 Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia

Inspiration comes in many forms and the vision of thousands of people standing on the edge of the Pacific giving and sending a giant hug to the world is superb. World peace is achievable and record hugs will help deliver that day.

Acts of war cannot deliver us from terrorism, but work for peace and for social and economic justice can. And have fun on the big day.

Lee Rhiannon MLC - Greens

 Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia

Thank you so much for including me in your Big Hug!

Over here in WA we are calling our new campaign for a non-violent solution JUSTICE NOT REVENGE. We are saying just the same things as you are. What is the sense of an "eye for an eye" philosophy which leaves both parties blind!

Sending you the full support of the WA Greens.

Dr. Chrissy Sharp MLC- Greens

 Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia

I am happy to wish you well with your "worlds biggest hug" In these dark times we do indeed need to remember that there is compassion, acceptance, beauty, goodness and love in this world.

Kerrie Tucker,  ACT Greens

Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia

Hugging is friendship and love. Congratulations on your attempt on the world record - it is a good thing to show the world the regard Australians have for each other.

Alan Cadman (Liberal) Federal Member for Mitchell



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